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Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

The rarest disease is Kuru disease. Only representatives of the Fur tribe in New Guinea are ill with it.

The patient is dying of laughter. It is believed that the cause of the disease is the eating of the human brain.

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Schmorl's hernia is a disease in which the intervertebral disc protrudes not in a horizontal plane, but in a vertical one, and pushes through the vertebral body. Its bone structure is destroyed and pressed vertically - up or down, the cartilaginous tissue of cialis pills the resulting cavity. Pathology is often hereditary, develops mainly in adolescents and the elderly with degenerative processes in the structures of the spinal column.

This is basically a painless process, since the disc goes inside the vertebra and does not protrude beyond it, so the nerve endings, arteries and spinal cord are not affected. Painful symptoms appear with the development and increase of cartilage protrusion, as a result of which the intervertebral disc almost completely falls into the body of the overlying or underlying vertebra, the space between the vertebrae decreases, compression of the nerve roots and sometimes the blood vessels of the spinal column occurs.

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  • Treatment of Schmorl's hernia. what is it, what are the symptoms, medicines and surgery.
  • Schmorl's hernia is also called Schmorl's node or vertical hernia. Its description was made by the scientist Christian Schmorl in 1927. This pathology was named after him.

According to recent studies, the disease occurs in about 75% of older people. Rapidly progressive bulges increase the likelihood of a vertebral compression fracture by about 10%. Schmorl's hernias are formed in different parts of the spine. The symptoms and well-being of tadalafil pills depend on the location of the protrusion. Vertical protrusions of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar zone appear more often than in others, since this part of the spine has the greatest load. Most cases are diagnosed in elderly patients. With the progression of the pathology, back pain occurs in the lumbar region. Such localization of a hernia is dangerous with a serious complication - a compression fracture of the spine with provoking factors.

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  • This is the main place where Schmorl's hernias occur. More often, the pathology develops in adolescence and gives complications. The child develops scoliosis and other degenerative diseases of the spinal column.
  • In the initial stages, with small sizes, it does not give painful manifestations. With progression, thinning of the vertebral tissue occurs, the cartilage grows, begins to touch the structures of the spinal column, and the risk of developing neurological disorders increases.
  • Schmorl's nodules in the cervical spine are dangerous by compression of the vertebral artery, which goes to the brain and feeds it.
  • This occurs with a significant destruction of the structure of the vertebrae and the growth of intervertebral cartilage. The patient has dizziness, headaches, blood supply is disturbedbrain damage, which is dangerous for the development of a stroke.
  • According to the number of foci, vertical hernial protrusions are single and multiple. With multiple pathology, the cartilage enters the bone tissue of the vertebral body simultaneously in several places, the disc becomes diamond-shaped, protrusions appear on both sides.

Multiple nodules are diagnosed in about 70% of cases.

They cause chronic pain syndrome, which increases if the patient is forced to order cialis 20mf be in one position - standing or sitting. The main condition for the development of Schmorl's hernia is hereditary predisposition. Factors that provoke its appearance and further progression. Schmorl's hernia is formed gradually and up to a certain point does not touch the adjacent arteries and nerve roots. Therefore, for a long time, Schmorl's hernia does not cause any symptoms. Gradually, pain in the back may appear in the following cases.

With the progression of the protrusion and an increase in its size, such symptoms occur.

If small hernial protrusions are detected that do not cause pain and discomfort, therapy is not needed. The patient is given recommendations on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, moderate physical activity. Periodically, it is necessary to undergo examinations to monitor the progression of the hernia. If the nodules grow and give pain, complex treatment is indicated, which includes.

The peculiarity of drug treatment for vertical hernias is that cialis drugs that could completely cure or eliminate protrusions. The goal of therapy is to relieve pain, restore damaged tissues. After a course of taking drugs, pain may reappear when exposed to provoking factors.

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